Google+ WTN Haiti Partnership: October 2011

Nov 2013 - St. Vincent's Trip

Monday, October 31, 2011

Partnership program- letter from Pere Kesner Ajax

From: Kesner AJAX []
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 5:31 PM

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings from Haiti from the Partnership Program of the Diocese of Haiti!

I want to begin by thanking all of you for the contributions of time and treasure that you have made to our partner churches, schools, clinics, sanitation programs, reforestation programs, feeding programs, microcredit organizations, and all of our other ministries.

School in Haiti has begun, despite financial difficulties in most districts. School was scheduled to begin in September but was pushed back until October in many places for those financial reasons. It's heartening to see the children en route to school in the mornings now.

We hope that our children will have a happy and blessed year, and thanks to you, we think that will be possible.

I am still using the Agape Flights account address listed below to receive mail, gifts and support for your Haitian partners.

I would like to especially thank Roger Bowen, who does so much from the United States to connect your schools with our schools. I would also like to thank Angela Galbreath for her continued hard work in organizing your visits and experiences inPort-Au-Prince. Mr. Sikhumbuzo Vundla, the Chief Operating Officer for the Diocese of Haiti, has been an integral part of our work as well. These people, and so many others, work tirelessly to serve the people of Haiti. Thank you.

Your gifts are in large part responsible for the successful start of many of our schools. Thanks to you, we've built new classrooms, hired experienced teachers, bought school supplies, and generally equipped these schools to provide the best service possible to their students. Again, thank you for this!

We welcome you as you plan visits with your partners in Haiti. We look forward to greeting you, learning with you, and growing in faith together.

Hoping this finds you well in all the many places where you live, work, and worship.

Please continue to offer your prayers for the strength and faith of the Diocese of Haiti.

In Christ,

The Rev. Kesner Ajax

Executive Director, Bishop Tharp Institute (BTI)
Partnership program coordinator, Episcopal Diocese of Haiti
Priest in Charge, Ascension Church, Beraud.

Mailing address:
c/o Agape Flights acc# 2519
100 Airport Ave
Venice Fl. 34285

Tels. 011-509-3445-3346