Google+ WTN Haiti Partnership: Happy Easter from Haiti- Rev Kesner Ajax' message

Nov 2013 - St. Vincent's Trip

Friday, April 25, 2014

Happy Easter from Haiti- Rev Kesner Ajax' message

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

I do not want to let this opportunity pass without wishing you and all of our partners and friends a most happy Easter.

During the last few months a number of huge events took place.
New leaders have been installed. Our clergy increased dramatically with the addition of 7 newly ordained priests, including two female priests. That brings the total number of ordained clergy to 46 active members, 12 retired, and 24 seminarians. Around the same time we were also fortunate enough to be able to install a new dean at the Episcopal seminary of Haiti, Rev. Dr. Pierre Simpson Gabaud.

These new leaders are taking charge in the churches. They work in the new organized missions in Jeremie, Jacmel, and l'Acul Gros Morne, Monbin Crochu just to name a few.

Since the beginning of the year, we have had many exciting events. For example the board of NAES had its annual meeting in Haiti and visited many of our Episcopal institutions. We were pleased to have the leaders of CUAC visit the Episcopal University of Haiti for the first time in a long time. On a different note, but still exciting, the Architect responsible for rebuilding the cathedral presented his plans and ideas for the reconstruction to the delegates of the annual synod.

We were especially impressed by and would like to specifically thank Roger Bowen and Serena Beeks for their multiple visits to Haiti. They were continually willing to sacrifice their time in order to lead many different groups throughout the Haitian countryside.

I would like to thank you deeply for all the support you have given us over these many years, and we ask that you continue to pray for us and keep us in your hearts, as we do for you.

Kesner Ajax

Partnership Program Coordinator

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