Today we had so many emotional ups and downs. Sonya asked Pere Fan Fan
yesterday if she could buy a nice meal "with meat" for all the resident
kids and staff at St Vincent's; this is about 70 people. The kids
normally don't eat meat more than once a week so this would be a special
treat for them; also Sonya pointed out that eating dinner together is
what you do with your family, so she wanted to have all of the team eat
with the children.
We were very excited in anticipation of this, so
imagine our frustration and disappointment when we were told this
morning that the presidential election results would be announced today
so we would have to leave the school in the early afternoon. Many tears
shed after breakfast this morning, but off we went to the school with
plans to see as many kids as we could and hopefully spend some time with
the children before having to leave.
at the school, I went straight to Pere Fan Fan's office to discuss the
situation with him. Turns out he was upstairs with what we call "Drew's
kids", that is the most physically handicapped children in the school.
These children are wheelchair bound and unable to leave their dorm room
by themselves, so often spend the day upstairs even when other
activities are going on downstairs. I was very pleased to learn that
the new priest in charge of the school ( Pere Fan Fan), goes upstairs to
check on these children regularly. Marie Carmelle, the cook at the
school and a longtime friend, told me that the children were all very
nervous and tense when their beloved priest Pere Sadoni left the school
suddenly this summer. For about a month the children did not know Pere
Fan Fan and were anxious. After about a month, Marie Carmelle tells me,
the children started to relax. Pere Fan Fan shows affection for them
and takes some of them to the park on Sunday nights for ice cream and other entertainment.
finding him upstairs with the most severely handicapped children was a
pleasant surprise. He told me the election results would not be
announced until midnight tonight, so we could stay for dinner! Sonya and I hugged each other in delight.
and I and Calley (CBU nurse) checked on Margaret and Vundla and
Matthieu. Alison is a clinical neuropsychologist so was evaluating
Vundla for developmental delay and neurological responses. This sounds
very technical and boring, but it really means laughing and singing and
trying to get the kid's attention by being silly (meanwhile monitoring
their response).
Claire with Vundla and Alison |
many emotions on the last day, thinking about things DONE AND LEFT
UNDONE as we Episcopalians say in our Confession of Sin. Have we
remembered to give the prescription for cough syrup to the caregiver for
Matthieu, who has a fever and a chest cold? Did I double check that we
received all the medications we ordered and do we have a final inventory
to leave with the priest when we leave? Did we find the kid who came
to clinic yesterday but left before he was fully examined? Did we give a
glucometer to the teacher with the 3 year old daughter with diabetes?
At the end of the day there was a run on glucometers. I must try to
write down all the promises I make to people to give them glucometers,
because I always seem to come up one short. Nothing like telling the
music teacher that I gave the last glucometer away and I must wait until
I return in March to bring him another one.
Brittany and I
try to give the teachers enough blood pressure and diabetes medicine to
last until my next trip, because many of them will not be able to afford
to buy their own medication. If I can help these amazing people
continue to care for the children of St Vincent's, I feel like I am
contributing in a small way to keeping this school going.
art teacher had his students give each of us a colored drawing they
have been working on since last week. A gift for the visitors, he told
us. A treasure to take home.
At 3:00 the priest told us they had decided to announce the results at 4:00
so we would have to leave early after all. But the cooks had managed
to prepare all the food early, so we had dinner with the children as we
had hoped. I must say it was the best fried grease I've had all week,
with griot (fried pork), marinade (fried dumpling), french fries, fried
plantains, and picliz (Haitian spice cole slaw). My best experience of
the day was getting a plate for Rochelle, my blind friend, and holding
her violin while she ate. She played for us today and also played in
the bell choir just before dinner was served.
Rochelle plays in the bell choir. |
is always hard, and this time was no different. Some of the kids came
on the bus to say goodbye, hugs and kisses and tears all around. It has
gotten easier every time for me because I know I am coming back; first
timers like Hilarie find it very hard to drive away on the bus.
Hilarie with a lapful of kids |
much else to say but sometimes photos say it best. We are all
exhausted after this week but happy to have been a part of these
children's lives for a short time.
Tess, Sherye and Brittany on the bus. |